Vehicle Servicing

Kempston-Radiators technician conducting Vehicle Servicing checking the vehicles oil

Our experienced team provide vehicle servicing, maintenance and repairs on all makes of vehicle. There really is no job that is too big or too small and we will not carry out any extra work without your approval.

Kempston Radiators has all the latest equipment and fully trained technicians. We can therefore ensure we offer a complete first class service at an affordable price.

All vehicle servicing is carried out in accordance to manufacturer’s recommendations. We also ensure the service book is stamped so that the vehicles service history is maintained.

Regular servicing has many benefits as it can:

*Prolong the life of your vehicle
*Help maintain its value
*Reduce the risk of a breakdown
*Improve fuel efficiency

Kempston Radiators can service a wide range of vehicles including Motorhomes and light commercials.

As part of our service we provide:

*Quality Workmanship
*Affordable Prices
*Tyre and Exhaust Fitting Centre
*Courtesy Car (subject to availability)
*Air Conditioning Service
*4 Wheel Geometry and Alignment Facilities
*MOTs for Cars, Light Commercials, Motorhomes and Mini Buses

Kempston Radiators is Bedfordshire’s leading specialist for vehicle cooling services and Garage services. If you require garage services in Kempston, Kempston Radiators can offer cutting-edge technology and state of the art facilities. This allows us to cater for all vehicle service, maintenance and repair work.

To keep up to date with all our latest news and activities, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Otherwise, If you would like to get in touch please feel free to Contact us.

How to find us

Contact Details

Kempston Radiators Limited
Wolseley Parc
Wolseley Road
Woburn Rd Industrial Estate
Kempston, Bedfordshire
MK42 7EF

Opening Hours
Mon to Fri: 08:00 – 17:30

01234 852073
